And so it begins...

The first post on my new blog — One Man & His Blog

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

There are, or so I read, those who claim that a journalist writing a weblog adds a certain respectability and cachet to the medium. They can’t just be any hack who claims to be a journalist, of course. Being a journalist is much like being an actor. There are those who actually work in the profession and there are those who are “resting”. Well, given that I’m a full-time journalist and paid-up member of the NUJ, I should be sending another wave of cachet crashing across the weblogging community even as I type this. Somehow, I doubt that this will be the case.

You may not believe it, gentle reader, but there was a point to all that nonsense which is happily living in the above paragraph. It’s by way of an introduction to me, Mr Adam Matthew John Tinworth, resident of Lewisham, London and elder son of Mr Roy John and Mrs Ann Patricia Tinworth. I’ll be your host on this particular blog until I run out of things to discuss or you run out of patience for my words.

I’m a 30-ish writer and journalist. I have an eclectic set of hobbies and interests which may or may not become relevant to these pages.

Really, I’m going to use this to vent opinion and thoughts on current events and general philosophies of life, possibly with a somewhat humorous bent, but we’ll see. I already have a Livejournal for the more mundane, day-to-day stuff, you see, and fancied doing something a little different. Let’s see if it works.


Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
