corporate life

Boss free? Or co-owned? Members Public

Oddly, since my “liberation” from corporate life, I’ve become fascinated by alternative working models. This is just [] fascinating [] : > Valve, whose website says the company has been “boss free” since its founding in 1996, also

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
corporate culture

Corporate voice is inherently impersonal Members Public

James O’Brien [] , quotingAlex Goldfayn []: > “Most of the content that companies put out on social media doesn’t catch on,” he said. “It’s too corporate and promotional. Despite the money invested — and the myriad social-media marketing

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
corporate life

The work/life infusion Members Public

Dan Catt on his reasons for leaving The Guardian [] : > It was the crushing lack of scope for creativity within the projects that was the problem. They fell very much into the category of ‘move this over here, put that there, add something

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
corporate culture

Like Minds Exeter 2012 Liveblogs - day two Members Public

Links to my liveblogs of day two of Like Minds Exeter 2012 ## Morning- [John Rosling: is the chief executive the chief entrepreneur]( – an inspiring talk on being an inspring leader (and how to lead rather than manage) - [Rajeeb Dey: the path to entrepreneurship]

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
change management

How corporate structure can accidentally stifle innovation Members Public

[] Ah, Flickr []. In 2004 I loved that site. But today is not a day for nostalgia. Today is a day for looking at the mistakes corporates make, and how you learn from

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Meeting the challenge of change Members Public

[] I’m in the midst of a small but interesting piece of work for some old property industry contacts, and it’s really caught my imagination. I’m talking to some businesses that have successfully transformed their

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
change management

The danger of understanding social media through the lens of old media Members Public

[] Back when I started training journalists in blogging (which must be close on seven years ago now…) I noted a tendency for them to try and understand blogging in terms of concepts they already knew.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Morning Coffee Reading: 5th March 2012 Members Public

Time to stop hogging these great links in my browser tabs and share them with the world: * 50 Twitter conversations that journalism students might like [] – basically a list of useful hashtags. * Good reading on the eBook disruption over the last year [http:

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth