AoP Conference 2008
So, I’ve finally arrived at the AoP Summit, to find largely disgruntled people. No WiFi, no power points, aak content… I can’t help wondering if that’s down to the nature of the people I chat to – Twittering, web-focused, social networking folks. So why are they in the audience, and not on the stage? Good question.
However, Geoff Ramsey of eMarketer is busy combating the post-lunch lull with a face full of stays about the decline of print media, and the prospects of the internet through the current credit crunch.
Now, it’s all ad-focused, but as that’s where most if us still make our revenue, that’s important. Around 6% of companies are lokling at Virtual Worlds. But it’s not a mass Market medium, with only 500 people per week in most location in Second Life.
So Search takes the majority of ad revenue, but can traditional media startvto steal that back as they redefine themselves digitally?
Ramsey is big on video. He likes big stats on YouTube, and people watching full shows. But advertising is only about 2% of ad spend. Set to grow massively? Oh, yes, says Ramsey. Why? You can measure it, you can target it, you can share it.
Social networks? 30% of Internet users are frequent visitors. 70% of teenagers, though.
So, recommendations from friends arevthr most trusted marketing message. But how do you tap into that? Users aren’t interested in ads in social networks. Over half never click on the ads.
Four principles:
Look, listen, lounge and learn.
Provide tools for sharing.
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