
Snapchat Explained Members Public

A really useful explanation of Snapchat and how it works for those of us more generously endowed with years of experience. Good work from the WSJ‘s Joanna Stern [] .

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
explainer journalism

#leweb - Go wide, not deep says Gary Vaynerchuk Members Public

Allegedly Gary Vaynerchuk [] hadn’t slept for two days before his talk at LeWeb. I well believe it given how rambling it was. This isn’t a conventional chronological liveblog, as I’ve tried to gather together his thoughts into subject groups… Go deep not wide

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Teenagers and tech: look at the trends, not the tools? Members Public

Mathew Ingram responds to Farhad Manjoo on how telling teenagers’ use of tech is [] : > […] teens and twenty-somethings are good predictors of technology’s future, even if the services or apps or hardware they prefer at a specific point in time don’t

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth