A journalist and a robot sub-editor having a lively debate over some copy

Adversarial AI: A Tool for Self-Improvement in Journalism Members Public

Getting AIs to write instead of you is for the mediocre. If you want to be great at what you do, get an AI to challenge you.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
AI-infused search robots wreaking an economic apocalypse on the world

Is AI search a sideshow, or a potential economic apocalypse? Members Public

Will AI-infused search be the end of publishing economics as we know it? Or is the hype outrunning the utility?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
An AI-generated image of Shrimp Jesus surrounded by Shrimp Angels.

Shrimp Jesus and other unexpected results of the AI boom Members Public

AI is at once more ubiquitous and less useful than people think. Navigating the coming flood of generated content is going to be a challenge.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
A man walking away from a broken laptop into a pastoral landscape.

The internet is a failed experiment Members Public

Says the man using the internet to send you this.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
X (Twitter)
Publishers dancing to the AI Pied Piper's tune.

AI: The dangerous lure of the tech evangelist Members Public

Yet again, the journalism business is dancing to the Tech Pied Piper's tune. Yet, even they don't know how the tune will end.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
A politician scrapping with robots.

TikTok vs the USA, AI vs the EU: Fight! Members Public

The regulators get itchy about China and AI, and a useful SEO tool gets its last update before AI changes everything — forever! (Maybe.)

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Reddit gets paid for AI training Members Public

Reddit has jumped into bed with Google’s AI, and is earning $60m from the encounter. It's another step in the monetisation of free labour.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

GenAI is coming for your video… Members Public

The camera may never lie, but there's no cameras involved in this video. Seeing is no longer believing…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth