
One phase of my life ends. Another begins.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

It has been a week of changes, which is one of the reasons for my silence on the blog. The big change came on Monday, when we finally completed the sale of the flat I’ve lived in for the last decade and a half. For a short while, I am no longer a property owner. Instead, I’m a happily renting with my wife in a town on the south coast, and positively relishing not having a home in London for the first time since, as far as I can recall, 1990. After two decades I am officially no longer a Londoner. And yet, I’m not tired of life. 😉

And that means some changes for this blog. During 2004 and 2005, this blog was often focused on Lewisham and its surrounds. That phase has long passed, and apart from some recent quick flings with my past, it’s not coming back. This blog is now firmly around the intersection of journalism, social media and technology, and I have other places for other subjects. Most particularly:

And there’s assorted other stuff, too, but those are the blogs that have inherited what were once parts of this blog’s remit. So feed free to dump this feed if you don’t care about journalism/social media/technology and pick up one of the others instead…

And, as the week was already one of adapting to change, I made the decision to change the software running this blog. The last time I mentioned this, I was choosing between Movable Type 5, Melody and WordPress. I dismissed WordPress first. Although I create the majority of new blogs I set up on the platform, the effort of migrating the 3000+ entries on this blog, plus all the assets, and then getting the URLs all lined up just didn’t seem worth the benefits I’d get. Melody fell next – I like and respect what the team behind it are doing, but they haven’t yet persuaded me that they’re in it for the long-haul. Perhaps if version 1.1 was out by now, I might have chosen differently. But it isn’t, and I didn’t.

One Man & His Blog on Movable Type 5

And so, this blog continues its eight year history on Movable Type, finally hitting version 5 with this software upgrade. (5.12 for the pedants).

A new start this week, on lots of levels. And lots of stuff to talk about. Onwards, to the future… 😉

blog platformshomelewishammelodymovable typepersonalshoreham-by-seaWordPress

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
