fake news

Social platforms: perfect propaganda delivery tools Members Public

This post by JP Rangaswami resonated with me, because it summed up one of the areas digital seems to have gone wrong [http://confusedofcalcutta.com/2017/10/30/on-platforms-and-sustainability/]: > So is that it? Back to seats and eyeballs, channelled not connected, “audiences” sucking up linear “content”? Back to a

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
fake news

What causes Fake News to spread? People. Members Public

For all the panic, soul-searching and debate about the “fake news” phenomenon, there’s one basic truth I rarely see discussed. Much of the blame for the spread of “fake news” can be placed squarely at the feet of the general public, far too few of whom actually apply critical

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Live by the Facebook, die by the Facebook Members Public

There’s a lot of unhappy Macedonian publishers right now [https://www.buzzfeed.com/craigsilverman/macedonian-publishers-are-panicking-after-facebook-killed] , as Craig Silverman reports for Buzzfeed: > “I’m in a very inappropriate situation, after spending a huge amount of money on Facebook for promoting articles and Page likes,” said a Macedonian publisher who

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Breitbart's difficult third act Members Public

Is Brietbart, the alt-right site that cheered Trump and succoured Milo, in trouble? A Newsweek profile explores how it’s finding life in power much harder than opposition [http://www.newsweek.com/2017/06/23/breitbart-trump-bannon-fake-news-624726.html] : > After the London Bridge attack at the beginning of this month, Breitbart

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
alt right media

Debunking the viral hoaxes after the Manchester bombing Members Public

Like so many others, I’m struggling to concentrate on what I should be doing this morning, as the horrible news filters in from Manchester. Things like this make it particularly distressing: > The BBC has been told that the youngest victim of the Manchester Arena attack was of primary

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Techmeme, and the opportunity in connecting the conversation Members Public

Has our lust for innovation made us move on from ideas too quickly? I’ve been mulling that over for most of the day, since I read Charlie Wurzel’s long piece on Gabe Rivera and Techmeme [https://www.buzzfeed.com/charliewarzel/meet-the-man-who-shapes-techs-narrative] . Unless you’re a blogger of a

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Fake News - and how to fix it: a journalism debate at City University, London Members Public

Liveblogged notes from the “Fake News” event at City University, co-organised by The Media Society and the Student Publication Association. Prone to error, inaccuracy, horrible typos and screaming crimes against grammar and syntax. Post will be improved over the next 48 hours. Jonathan Hewett [https://twitter.com/jonhew], our chair,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
city university

Defining the real forms of Fake News Members Public

The lovely, lovely First Draft Coalition [https://firstdraftnews.com] has been doing some excellent work in unpicking the roots of the real “Fake News”, before that phrase got co-opted [https://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2017/02/fake-fake-news.html]. In particular, research director Claire Wardle has expended on work by Elliot

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
claire wardle