
Sethgate: Reed's Cargo Cult Blogging Members Public

Last Friday was not a good day to be milling around at a conference with a badge saying “Reed Business” on it. Why? Because people kept asking me about this hard hitting post by Seth Godin []. I’d

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Blogher: linking and talking to bloggers Members Public

What did she have to say? A lot of the usual stuff, but it was nice to hear it confirmed from the horse’s mouth, as it where. For example, she made the point that having a blog for your website will drive more links to your site from other

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Journalists Who Don't Get The Internet Members Public

I was browsing my RSS feeds this morning, and I spotted a story about Microsoft’s new 3D Virtual Earth []. “Ah-ha,” I thought, “I spotted that on Sky News last night and it looked interesting.” So,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Linking To Your Rivals Members Public

Telegraph | Money | American news sites create web links to rivals []: > The Washington Post, among other publications, has hired to scan thousands of sites to post relevant links, including audio and video content,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth