Web 2.0 Expo Berlin: Startup Ignite

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth


  • txtrAll read more, but most text is digital: E-mail, blogs, files
  • New market for reading devices (eg Kindle)
  • Missing complete solution for combining texts with organistaion and community
  • Keep text in the cloud – upload tool. Keep all documents in sync.
  • Grab webpages – “solid state del.icio.us”
  • (Grab my content and share without pageviews…hmm)
  • widget for your blog/website.
  • Focus on mobile clients, iPhone first.


  • 2961769055_6dc9f12787_m.jpgUses Bluetooth. No Bluetooth on iPhone. GPS. Using cell positioning, too.
  • Location aware social network, basically?
  • Germany, tomorrow. the world in November.
  • Privacy controls.
  • Desire to discover new people
  • Playful approach to making new friends.
  • Tells you what aka’aki users are near you, what their interests are and probably needs a direct link to divorce lawyers…


  • iDesktop.tvWeb-based iTunes for YouTube videos.
  • Embeddable player
  • Is this just YouTube addon?
  • Works with other video sites, too
  • Allows creation of branded player for aggregated video content.
  • Looks like the channel players you get on a lot of old media sites
  • (Couldn’t YT sweep them away in seconds?)


  • Alexander Ljung of SoundcloudImagine a world without Flickr…. We would not using photos like we do today
  • Doing that for music and audio
  • Embedable web-based audio upload and management.
  • Really missing right now. (He’s right)
  • Privacy controls.
  • Dropbox for tracks. Great for music bloggers.
  • Liking this one.
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Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
