
What Makes A Troll A Troll? Members Public

Research shows that two factors predict trolling behavior.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The new original sin of online publishing Members Public

John Battelle thinks we actually figured out online publishing a decade ago – and then we screwed it up. How? We handed power to the social networks []: > Again, for emphasis: despite all the whizzy bang-y social media we’ve invented these past ten years,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Fighting trolling with academic rigour Members Public

Trolling – hostile, provocative anti-social behaviour – is one of the biggest challenges to any large-scale online community – and that includes comment sections on mainstream publications. The problem is far, far bigger in the online gaming world, though. And one of the biggest games in the eSports sector – League of Legends [http:

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Journalists: want to pitch Medium? Members Public

For those who aren’t aware, within Medium are several publications they run in-house, including Backchannel [], a tech magazine, and Matter [], which is an evolved form of the long-form science journalism crowd-funded startup which I’ve written about in the past [http:

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Content, communities and the commercial property business Members Public

Once, long ago, when the world was dark, and I was stuck living in Lewisham, I was features editor of a magazine called Estates Gazette. We wrote about the world of commercial property, and one of the things I did was commission expert comment, including some features about property marketing

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
commercial property

Nostalgia meets satire in pre-social media Members Public

That’s a rather pretentious title to sum up a rather excellent XKCD cartoon that manages to both make me nostaligic for the chatrooms that made up some of my first experiences of community interaction on the web – and satirise the worst excesses of what passes for social these days.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

How to screw-up a publisher community Members Public

Ouch []: > The organizations that have the idea for a community, spend weeks selecting a platform, months developing it, and a year before they invite anyone to participate, tend to struggle…a lot. Typically they splutter along for six months before being

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Maslow's Hierarchy of Bunkum Members Public

Don't believe the cod-scientific management nonsense.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth