
All your comments are just marketing fodder Members Public

Adobe has bought comments system Livefyre [http://recode.net/2016/05/03/adobe-acquired-livefyre-more-user-generated-content/] . Has the software-and-services giant suddenly developed a taste for community building? Not so much: > Livefyre, which was initially known for its technology that powers internet comments, now runs a marketing business for big brand clients that

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The true meaning of "audience engagement" Members Public

The true meaning of audience engagement [http://alisongow.com/2016/01/18/audience-engagement-and-newsroom-attitudes/] Alison has posted an excellent piece cutting through the “buzz wording” of “engagement”, and hitting the heart of what matters: > Audience engagement is a newsroom where the reader is considered at the start of the story

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
alison gow

Reddit for Journalists Members Public

Three speakers at news:rewired talking about use of Reddit in journalism, moderated by Mark Frankel, assistant editor, social news, BBC

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
crowd-sourced journalism

news:rewired - New forms of engagement for journalism Members Public

Matt Nevarra [http://www.twitter.com/MattNavarraUK] hosting Panel: * Bella Hurrell [http://www.twitter.com/BellaHurrell], assistant editor, visual journalism, BBC News * Ezra Eeman [http://www.twitter.com/ezraeeman], founder, Journalism Tools * Jo Kelly [http://www.twitter.com/jokelly], head of audience engagement, Trinity Mirror * Ben Fogarty [http://www.twitter.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
digital journalism

Who can fix your comments? Your journalists Members Public

What happens when journalists interact with the comments section [http://www.journalism.co.uk/news/what-happens-when-journalists-interact-with-comments/s2/a555603/] ? > Over a study period of 70 days, the TV station reacted to comments on its Facebook page in one of three ways: a prominent political reporter interacted with commenters; the station,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

How to blog in three points Members Public

Fabulous post from Steph [http://climbtothestars.org/archives/2013/03/17/some-thoughts-on-blogging-original-content-linking-engaging/] , encapsulating the essence of blogging: > Blogging is about writing, but also about reading and responding. Links ensure that a blog doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The parallel human activity is responding to comments, reading other bloggers,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Dissing engagement Members Public

Mark Schaefer provides more ammo to support my contention that engagement is becoming an empty word [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2012/04/engagement-buzzword-social-media.html] by pointing out that engagement is not a strategy [http://www.businessesgrow.com/2013/01/06/social-media-engagement-is-not-a-strategy/] : > I do believe it is possible to

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

My Synthesio Session - the problem(s) with social media Members Public

I got interviewed [http://synthesio.com/corporate/en/2012/social-media-monitoring-best-practices/social-media-listening-coupled-with-action-the-key-to-positive-change-suggests-adam-tinworth-2/] … > This week we’ve got influential blogger and consultant Adam Tinworth in our red leather armchair, to pick his brain about social media monitoring, the next big innovation he’d like to see, and other musings. Honestly, I’

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth