
Skype: what is this strange human concept of "conversation"? Members Public

Andrew Grill, talking about Skype’s plans for in-call advertising [] : > “highlight unique and local brand experiences”- what?? Humans don’t speak like this to to other humans.  This is ad speak. There is a clear phenomenon where people get so embedded in

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

#futureofmobile - five observations so far Members Public

[] A few lunchtime notes:- Apple’s mindshare at conferences like this is truly terrifying – I’ve seem maybe three non-Apple laptops, and one non-Apple tablet. Otherwise, it’s wall-to-wall MacBook Pros, MacBook Airs and iPads. - There’

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

#next11 - Socialising Search with Bing Members Public

Can search get more social? Bing's Ralf Herbrich thinks so.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Photosynth on iPhone: panoramic reporting Members Public

I have a new app on my iPhone: [Photosynth]( Yes, a Microsoft app. Cognitive dissonance ahoy. 😉But it’s a great tool, on that allows you to quickly and simply build rich panoramas of your environment. Hence, it’s one I expect to see journalists

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

LeWeb: How Microsoft Cut Its Own Arm Off Members Public

WARNING: Liveblogging. post will update and change over the next half hour. Prone to error, typos and horrible grammar. Ah, the cat and mouse game. Loïc is trying to chase down some hard information from Charlie Kindel, the GM of the Windows Phone 7 Developer Ecosystem at Microsoft. Loïc keeps

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

#likeminds - Delighting Users Immersive liveblog Members Public

(Liveblogging – prone to error, typos and inaccuracy. And possible bias in this session…) Starting the second day of Like Minds in the Delighting Users session, and feeling slightly suspicious, because I’ve just realised that it’s essentially a Windows Phone 7-derived session. That said, the new mobile OS has

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

news:rewired: Peter Bale of Microsoft UK Members Public

Liveblogging: errors and typos likely Peter Bale of Microsoft UK, whose building we’re sitting in is kicking off the conference, and he’s promised us it won’t just be a product pitch. Why are we doing this? For the audience. Within the UK audience there are many niches,

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Morning Coffee Reading - Lingering Tabs Edition Members Public

Stuff I’ve had in tabs for ages: - [A lesson in statistics for journalists]( – linked for truth - [Stop Selling Scarcity]( – Jeff Jarvis has another pick at the fundemental truth that people in

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth