X (Twitter)
Insight about X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. The former news social media mainstay once described as "microblogging", and now better known as "that hell site", is in the midst of some dramatic changes. .
Building a news oasis in a journalism desert Paid Members Public
Plus why we end up with zombie websites, YET MORE Twitter chaos, and the cancelling of Dilbert
Readers Write: on ChatGPT search, Twitter changes and Mastodon Ice Cubes Paid Members Public
Thoughts from the lovely OM&HB community about types of search, the impact of Twitter’s changes — and a freebie Mastodon app.
Why the Twitter road crash is more serious than you think Paid Members Public
Plus the growing evidence that AI chat search is far from ready for prime time, and some great reads on both how ChatGPT actually works and what’s behind “hot, lonely women” catfishing scams