The Week in Tweets

A landmark week in a number of ways, caught in a handful of Tweets…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Well, when those of us who work in the media look back on this week, I suepct Musk's acquistion of Twitter will be the defining event. I've already written about it twice this week, but certainly everything felt different from Friday morning onwards:

Yes, Twitter had become the main characters of Twitter, and while the spicy takes, especially this one from The Verge which has “confirmation bias” written all over it spread far and wide, some insightful comments didn't get quite the exposure:

And people watching the Twitter website closely saw some interesting changes:

Our profession has not covered itself in glory, either, with some basic mistakes in both fact-checking and also terminology:  

And this was interesting (and somewhat under-reported): a lot of the impetus for the uptick in racist language on Twitter came from 4chan, a site well able to test the limits of the acceptable en masse:

Beyond Twitter

Meanwhile, the ascension of Rishi Sunak poses a problem for both The Times and The Spectator, because they both publish James Forsyth. He's the political editor of the Speccie — and Sunak's best mate.

Forsyth has taken to vaguely mentioning the relationship in podcasts, but both titles need to be much more up-front about this on the web, too.

And guess which UK site breached the Editors' Code of Practice way more than any other?

X (Twitter)Journalismelon muskthe spectatorMailOnlineThe TimesPolitics

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
