One last foray into politics for the time being

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The normally-reliable Inspector Sands wins the award for the most unintentionally hilarious post in recent weeks, which you can enjoy here. It’s all a conspiracy to bring down New Labour, *can’t you see it? *Uh, no, sorry. It’s just a bunch of people who are upset that Parliament is killing their hobby or job. While some of the miners’ strike leaders might have been mainly concerned with bringing down the Tory government, but the vast majority were just concerned with the callous bull-dozing of their lives, livelihoods and communities. Same deal here.

Still, the quite breathtaking hypocrisy of some people on both sides of this debate has convinced me that this should be the last time I post on this topic for the time being.

Y’know, when I hear people ranting about how evil the Tories are and how they must never be in power again, all I can hear is my parents’ generation saying the same thing about Labour after the disastrous Labour administration that preceded Mrs Thatcher. They were wrong then, and we ended up with the horror of the Major years of corruption, venality and incompetence as a result. The people who are saying the same thing about the Tories now are just as wrong.

Democracy is all about debate, changing views and shifts in power as opinions change. The exchange of government between the parties is what makes us a democracy and that people of whatever generation or political allegiance can’t see that is really quite terrifying, because it doesn’t take much thought to see where that reasoning could lead us….

There is no natural party of government, and there never will be. There’s just whomever is more closely aligned with the current public thinking at any one time.

(Personal desire for next Government: Labour, with Gordon Brown as PM, with a change to Conservative or LibDem next time around)

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
