To lose one postal vote might seem like misfortune�

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Quick post, as I have to head into the office and write some scintillating words for my paying readers, but does anyone else find this worrying? | Media | Humphrys loses his vote:

Today presenter John Humphrys contemplated going to court after he was unable to vote in yesterday’s general election.Humphrys revealed this morning that he went to his local polling station only to find he was barred from the booths because someone had applied for a postal vote in his name.�I didn’t apply for a postal ballot. Possibly someone in my house ticked the box for the forms to be sent through, but I can’t find anybody who did,� he told

I can’t help feeling that the whole electoral fraud issue is going to hot up in the coming months. It won’t be significant enough to raise concerns about Labour’s victory, but it will disquiet significant numbers of people that our democracy seems under threat.

Technorati Tags: 2005, generalelection, politics, fraud, election, voting, UK

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Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
