So Doku: So What?
So, the football season is in full swing, the cricket is gripping the nation, and what am I writing about? So Doku. What I can I say? I wasn’t born with the sport-watching gene.
I’ve been watching the So Doku craze from a distance, in a really, really passive way. I assumed that it would pass pretty quickly, but months on it seems to be spreading. It’s spreading into books with Carol Voderman on the cover. It’s seeping onto posters on London Transport, advertising all the So Doku books available. It’s becoming as prevalent in newspapers as the crossword.
And I just don’t get it. I started trying at the weekend, and I found the concept simple enough. It’s a simple logic puzzle, right? You deduce what number goes where by working out where it can’t go. Fair enough. It’s fun for about 10 minutes, but then I got bored. I tried a few more times during the week, with the same result. If anything, it seems more boring than crosswords to me, because the basic process to solve the problem is the same every time.
So, help me out, dear readers. What the hell is the appear of this?
Technorati Tags: culture, games, newspapers, puzzles, [so doku]( doku)
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