the future of Top Gear

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Today is a strange day. Today is the sort of day where I need two strong cups of black coffee, just to function. (The lady in the coffee shop here starts making me a strong, black Americano as soon as she spots me in the queue.) Today is the sort of day where I find myself linking to The Sun.

Why? Because Jeremy Clarkson’s account of his collegue Richard Hammond’s recovery from an insanely high-speed car crash is a work of pure genius:

In the wee small hours of Thursday night, just 30 hours after what is almost certainly the world�s fastest ever car crash, Richard Hammond suddenly sat up in bed, opened his eyes and asked what had happened.

�You�ve been in a car accident,� I said. �Was I driving like a tw*t?� he asked, before getting out of bed and walking, shakily, to the lavatory.

Go on, read the rest.

Technorati Tags: [car crash]( crash), cars, danger, [jeremy clarkson]( clarkson), [richard hammond]( hammond), [top gear]( gear), tv

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
