links for 2009-05-15

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
  • "What I think she's saying is that readers have been used to paying something to receive the news in a convenient format. I would argue that if you take away the format, paper, then you take away the reason to pay." – So can we create a new reason?
    (tags: [paywalls]( [monetisation]( [publishing](
  • Wow. The WSJ completely missed the point here.
    (tags: [wsj]( [blogging]( [journalists]( [socialmedia]( [etiquette]( [journalism](
  • This shift towards digital learning on journalism course could have interesting side-effects.
    (tags: [journalism]( [iphone]( [apple]( [students]( [universities](
  • Nice summation of the reasons commenting goes bad on many mainstream media sites
    (tags: [comments]( [blogging]( [community]( [journalists](
  • Stumbling blocks for paywalls (mixing my metaphors nicely, there)
    (tags: [monetisation]( [paywalls]( [publishing](

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
