A Few Slightly Geeky Journo Links

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Time for some links:

  • One of the most consistent themes I hear when talking to journalists around the country is frustration with the web publishing CMS they have to deal with (especially if they’ve ever used any blog platform). In that light, this post about the BBC’s new web CMS makes for fascinating reading, both through what they’re doing and through the fact they blogged about it publically. I suspect that a culture that allows such blogging is laikely to produce a better piece of kit…
  • Another trend I see amongst some journalists is an almost obsessive pride in not understanding technology. Kevin makes an interesting case for a more data-centric view of journalism that should give pause to such folks.
  • Martin’s look at how well (or more often, not) digital coverage of the World Cup has survived down the years is thought-provoking. There’s a surprising amount of value in them there archives…
  • And Nature’s using OpenSocial. I’m very interested in this, and you’re probably not, but it’s my blog so “nyah”.
archivesBBCcmsdatadata journalismkevin andersonopensocial

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
