Evernote goes enterprise - a business class upgrade

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Phil Libin doing the Evernote update at Le Web

Phil Libin is a regular at Le Web, and is known for giving hard facts and figures about the progress of the notebook app – as he did in London, in Paris in 2011 and 2010. And he gave some again, as not as many as in the past. For example, Evernote is up to 45 million users. There are eight countries with over a million users: USA, Japan, China, UK, South Korea, Canada, Germany, Spain, Russi and Brazil. There are dozens of book on Evernote in Japan, and Libin writes a column for a publication over there…

66% of users use Evernote for work, 91% of those for data collection. 85% of them brought it in unofficially. Evernote – as a business – is run on Evernote…

An announcement: Evernote Business launches today. Business class means an upgrade in aviation, but a downgrade in Enterprise software, suggests Libin. He wants to change that – by using Evernote to unlock the knowledge stored within a company.

  • Company-wide shared notebooks for HR manuals and the like
  • Two types of notebook, personal and business, which live in one app. Your personal stuff is not visible to the company. However, you can share the content of business notebooks with your co-workers much more easily.
  • Integrates with the Chrome plugin, so your Evernote notes appear in Google results
  • Integrates with Evernote Clearly, to show related notes to the article you’re reading.

Skitch’s use has grown dramatically. However, the revamp they did upset a lot of existing users, and they’re trying to correct that. They’ll be integrating it deeply with Evernote Business.

Evernote Food and Hello have big new versions coming.

All very exciting, but the thing I’ll take away from his session was his philosophy on using user feedback:

*User feedback is bad at telling you what to build next, but great at telling you when you screwed up. *

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Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
