Happy Holidays
A festive missive to my beloved readers.
Once upon a time, I lived in blissful ignorance of whom most of my readers actually were. They came in anonymously, via RSS or Twitter, and I knew nothing about them.
Those days are long gone. Thanks to membership here, and increasingly sophisticated analytics packages (even if I use privacy-protecting ones), I know that I have readers all over the world — and that I can no longer assume that you're all celebrating Christmas.
So, wherever you are in the world, I'd love to wish you a happy holidays, and a merry Christmas to those who do celebrate it.
I'm grateful to all of you for taking the time to read what I publish here, and for the feedback and conversations that have come about as a result. I've never been someone who can just write to please themselves — feedback from readers is what motivates me most. Thanks to everyone who has hit “reply” to send me some thoughts, or who has chatted to me on Twitter.
2021's Endgame
I've been taking a few days off, but posting will kick off again before the end of 2021, with a review of the year, and a few other odds and ends planned.
I hope you're having a wonderful time with those you love.
Best wishes,

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