The end of the Reeperbahn in Hamburg

Images of Hamburg

Images from my first working trip overseas in three years…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

I used to share a lot of photos on this blog. I'd like to get back into that habit, so here's a whole bunch of images for my first trip overseas since the pandemic.

Arrival in Hamburg

In 2019, I took my last flight for three years. It was a quick, almost routine hop back from Hamburg after NEXT19. The only significance I attached to the flight was the fact that it might be the last time I could use the EU queue at passport control.

And then the pandemic hit.

Three years later, I flew back to Hamburg, by first flight in three years. While NEXT21 did happen, the numbers were severly restricted, so I did my live coverage remotely. But, this time I was back in Hamburg. And it felt great to be back in another country after so long. I took the time to wander through the centre of Hamburg once I'd checked in.

NEXT22: Day 1

Up an at ’em early: registration opened at 7.30am, and I wanted to get there good and early to snag a perfect liveblogging position. I walked with my camera out, just to make the most of the experience of finally being in another country.

Despite a pretty full-on day of blogging, I still had some energy left at the end of the day, so grabbed a few more images while on the walk home, through the Reeperbahn Festival, which was just getting going in the early evening.

NEXT22: Day 2

A full-on day. Eight separate posts about talks from the main stage, as well as a session that Martin and I co-hosted, about our new book Next Level CMO. No wonder I didn't have much time for photography.


Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
