Readers Write: on ChatGPT search, Twitter changes and Mastodon Ice Cubes
Thoughts from the lovely OM&HB community about types of search, the impact of Twitter’s changes — and a freebie Mastodon app.
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Here's what's been getting feedback over the last few weeks…
The AI chat age of search
Former student and eConsultancy writer extraordinaire Bex Sentance left an insightful comment on my post about AI chat search:
I wrote a piece recently on ChatGPT and the benefits of conversational search (linking because I'm proud of it, although it was published in mid-December, so it's a touch out of date), and as part of the research for it I looked up what percentage of searches are informational queries (i.e. queries that can be answered with a simple fact) rather than searches for websites. The weird part was that the most recent study, and stat, I could find, was from 2007.
Given how much search has shifted in the 16 years since, that is a peculiar omission in the literature. But what there is remains interesting:
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