Paywalls promote misinformation Paid Members Public
If all high-quality news becomes paywalled - what will fill the void left behind?
Your work is better than "content" Paid Members Public
Anything truly creative is more than just content.
We'll regret surrendering our ambient privacy Paid Members Public
You don't know what you've got til it's gone. They paved paradise and put up a Facebook lot.
Guilt by Twitter association — how Labour Left Voice blocked swathes of Twitter Paid Members Public
One Corbynite Twitter account has been blocking great swathes of Twitter - and thus created a manual filter bubble.
Reddit and the problems of scale in large communities Paid Members Public
Is there an optimum size for online communities? This analysis of Reddit suggests that there is.
How The Correspondent plans to handle audience engagement Paid Members Public
The Correspondent has revealed a little bit about how it's going to be run — and where its money is going.