Recommended newsletters for journalists

Given how important newsletters have become to journalism in recent years, it's no surprise that there are a proliferating number of newsletters about journalism. I subscribe to many of them for obvious reasons, and the ones listed below are a personal set of recommendations — these are the ones I personally find useful, and which you might, too.

Personal Newsletters

These are newsletters produced by individuals, doing analysis or media criticism.

Future News
Revealing developments and innovation in the news media sector
Medialyte explores the innovators, innovations, and reasons for optimism in the media industry.
Conquest of the Useless
Honest media criticism from a complete arsehole.
On The Record
An exploration of the best journalism and how it gets done, landing in your inbox every other Wednesday via Kristine Gill, Brittany Shammas & Rachel Schallom.

And, just in case this is your first time on this site, I do this, too…

One Man & His Blog
Digital journalism and online culture. By Adam Tinworth.

General Journalism News

These are aggregation newsletters — they do a round-up of useful media news.

The Media Roundup from Media Voices - Revue
A daily roundup of the four most important industry stories for media and publishing professionals, by the Media Voices team
Digital products, strategy and innovation - Revue
Kevin Anderson - manager, digital products and platforms - @ ideastream (NPR/PBS) with experience on staff and as a leader at BBC, Guardian, and Gannett.
When the Going Gets Weird... - Revue
I write about digital media for the Columbia Journalism Review. I’m an expert in stucco, a veteran in love and an outlaw in Peru


Higher-level newsletters: analysis and insight for editor and publisher level journalists:

Get the Baekdal Plus Newsletter
The Rebooting
What comes next in media
Publisher Weekly
The most important stories, ideas & resources about independent publishing.

Community & Social Media

Newsletters that are useful for people working in social, audience engagement or community journalism.

Everything in Moderation - Revue
A weekly newsletter about content moderation on the web and the policies, people and platforms that make it happen.
Geekout Newsletter - Revue
🔥 The Ultimate Newsletter for Busy Social Media Managers is Here..! Dear Social Media Managers... Don’t spend hours every week trying to keep up to date with all the latest: - Industry news- Platform updates- New tools + features- Tips, tricks, + insights...and more I will do it all for …


A couple of really handy newsletters on jorunalism-centric SEO

Making sense of SEO for news publishers.
SEO for Google News
An irregular newsletter with insights, expertise, tips and updates for anyone interested in optimising for Google News.

Data Journalism

Newsletters for people working in data journalism — or aspiring to.

Fair Warning - Revue
A weekly newsletter with anywhere between 10 and 20 links about data journalism, data visualisation, and storytelling, curated by a British data journalist and nerd. Expect politics, statistics, society and culture - all through the frame of data... With a dash of whimsy. Read more about the author…