
Daily links (geddit?) Members Public

A few pieces worth reading about The Daily []: * The Daily Snooze [] – an entirely positive review, as the headline betrays. 🙂 * The Daily is a one-way channel [] – Scott Rosenberg suggests

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Possibly more significant than The Daily Members Public

[] Following on from yesterday’s launch of The Daily [] , iTunes has changed its terms and conditions. Above is a screenshot from

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The Daily is here. And it's national. Members Public

So, The Daily [] is here, a brand new, tablet-focused newspaper from News International []. Oh, I’m sorry. Did I say newspaper? My bad. I meant *national *newspaper. Because it’s an US-only product right now.The internet is without boundaries in

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Rumours of RSS's demise are greatly exaggerated Members Public

So, I missed that whole “RSS is dead, I tell you! Dead! DEAD!” meme that made the rounds a few weeks ago, by virtue of being on holiday. I’m glad, frankly, because attention-grabbing link bait by tech bloggers in pretty low down on my list of “favourite types of

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Testing iPad blogging once more Members Public

[![](]( It’s been a little while since I tested the blogging-readiness of the iPad and the blogging apps have

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Jobs is right about newspaper apps Members Public

From an article about Gordon McCloud’s abrupt departure from the Wall Street Journal [] : > In a Q&A session with the assembled executives and managers, including Journal editors, Steve Jobs railed against the apps newspapers like the Journal

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

The iPad as a blogging tool: not ready Members Public

Back in 2010, it had a long way to go…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

About that iPad mag subscriptions panic Members Public

[]I saw a lot of buzz overnight about Apple not allowing magazine subscriptions on the iPad [] , and OMG how is the iPad going to save us now? Steve, you have betrayed us! Except, well, that’s

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth