corporate blogging

Charlie Peverett: why it's time to ban the blog Members Public

Charlie Peverett, iCrossing Companies that blog have 434% more indexed pages – and more indexed pages get more leads – or so says the slides that opens Charlie from iCrossing’s presentation at the Brighton Digital Marketing Festival. He’s going to make the case for banning the blog – or some of

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Devolving Ownership for Better Blogging Members Public

Now, that’s a challenge for existing editorial teams, where the editor is used to being essentially a despotic ruler, with the desk heads as the high priests*. It requires the editor to stop being a director, but move more into a conductor role, where they make sure that the

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

What the Garner Hype Cycle Means For Journalists Members Public

- Location-aware apps are rising up the slope of enlightenment. You have 18 months, tops, to start geo-coding your content. Devices like the iPhone and the competitors starting to come from the existing incumbents will rapidly change how people interact with content. We need to be putting the infrastructure in

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Movable Type 4: Live, but a bit poorly Members Public

[] My, what an interesting few hours it’s been. We went live with MT4 circa 11am this morning. While, on the whole, its been plain sailing, a couple of issues have cropped up. We’ve been

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Forced Corporate Blogging Members Public

You know, whenever things get difficult doing the Web 2.0 thing within a traditional publisher (and I’ve just seen some more journalistic backlash – always fun), I come across something like this (sighted on Adriana’s revamped and rehoused blog []) to make

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
blog advice