Is France ready for start-ups? Paid Members Public
I’m not liveblogging this session, because I’m not well-versed enough in French politics to be confident of doing it justice. There’s a fascinating battle breaking out on stage, though. Arnaud Montebourg, Minister of Redressement Productif in France, is on stage trying to defend France’s reputation for

John Rosling: is the chief executive the chief entrepreneur? Paid Members Public
John Rosling, Shirlaws [http://www.shirlawsonline.com/coach_profiles/30-john-rosling](site dead – find him on Twitter [https://twitter.com/jrosling] now) “Chief Executive or Chief Entrepreneur? The Future of Business Leadership” Based on a show of hands of the Like Minds audience, this room contains the highest ratio of entrepreneurship

Rajeeb Dey: The path to entrepreneurship Paid Members Public
****Rajeeb Dey – CEO, Enternships Liveblog of a talk at Like Minds Exeter 2012 Rajeeb graduated in 2008, the year Lehman went down [http://www.onemanandhisblog.com/archives/2008/09/lehman_brothers_collapse.html] , and, despite some great job offers, he decided to set up in business on his own. His