machine learning

A machine learning chip in the time vortex

Time for an AI rewind Members Public

Are we letting the generative AI hype blind us to more practical and reliabel uses of the technology?

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

How do we solve our online civility problem? Members Public

Some more thoughts on deescalating the culture war, as well as ways of looking better in your Zoom calls and an interesting new business opportunity…

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
Social Media

Deepfakes aren't the problem yet - their existence is Members Public

The mere existence of deepfakes is undermining our sense of reality and truth

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
machine learning

Hacks/Hackers London: AI, Fact-checking, a faster Economist — and better careers for women Members Public

May's Hacks/Hackers brought us AMP-based web-design, Facebook fact-checking, AI email checks, and a new organisation to support women in their careers.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Rouven Leuener: Paygates not Paywalls for supporting journalism Members Public

For all the praise heaped on the NYT, its paywall model won't work for smaller audiences. Switzerland's NZZ is trying something more sophisticated.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth