The Observer

Robots shopping for newspapers and magazines

When digital goes shopping for print Members Public

Tortoise wants The Observer. Unherd has got The Spectator, and installed a new editor. The relationship between tradition print-era brands and digital startups has suddenly reversed.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

How the Brexit votes of a Welsh town turned Carole Cadwalladr into an investigative journalist Members Public

An inspiring - and fascinating - talk into how a simple feature put the Observer journalist on the trail of the biggest Facebook scandal.

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Brighton's digerati: understanding the media continuum Members Public

[] It was lovely to see the Brighton digital sector highlighted in The Observer [] a week ago. With all the fuss about Tech City, interesting online stuff happening elsewhere is all-too-often

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Blogging: The New Public Sphere Members Public

John Naughton, writing in The Observer [] on the 10th anniversary of Blogger []: > The long-term significance of Blogging is that it reverses a trend that had become increasingly worrying in an era dominated by mass

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Annoying <i>The Guardian</i> Members Public

The Monday edition of The Guardian [] (liberal leftie newspaper, lightly dusted with political correctness) is bought by most journalists, whatever their political persuasion, simply because its Media Guardian [] section has the best job adverts in the business. Part of me

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
daily telegraph