Wireless Wonders
 | Yeah, I know it’s a bit of a crappy picture, but I grabbed it in a hurry on the way into work yesterday morning. It really struck me just how much people are using the WiFi hotspots in the two Starbuck’s on Wardour Street. It’s a pretty rare day when I walk past and there isn’t somebody in there using a laptop (an iBook in this case – this is trendy, Apple-using Soho, after all) and catching up on e-mail or the web. I know we all have a healthy dose of scepticism about new technology, thanks to the claims of the dotcom boom, but this shift to wireless working really seems to be coming true. How do I know? My mother-in-law wants me to show her how to surf the web in her local Starbuck’s. It’s mainstream, folks. |
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