The Great Tower of Deptford

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
![Seager Site]( "Seager Site")![Seager Tower]( "Seager Tower")
This nifty little mixed-use (but mainly residential) tower is due to rise into the air near Deptford Broadway soon. Certainly, the relevant planning decisions seem to have been [granted]( Strange as it may seem, Deptford is something of a hotbed of regeneration right now because, as someone pointed out to me at a mixed-use drinks reception recently, it has bags of potential. In this case “potential” means great swathes of redundant industrial land, and a good selection of buildings that could do with being knocked down as soon as possible.

A tower seems a brave move in the area, but in the context of the coloured blocks that make up the interesting, if isolated, One SE8 development, not as out of place at it might have been once. No doubt there will be the normal clashes between disgruntled locals and incoming yuppies, but soon Deptford will become the new Southwark and will be full of trendy restaurants and a branch of Starbucks. We’ve got them in Greenwich and Blackheath already, and you know how they spread…

The design of this tower comes courtesy of John MacAslan & Partners, and you can find out more at the firm’s website. The developer is Brookmill Estates.

(This post in response to a promise made to Inspector Sands of Casino Avenue)

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
