Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

**Who are you?


The domain name rather gives that away…

I’m a 30-something business journalist living in Lewisham. I’m married, have no kids yet and enjoy a range of things from good whiskies, through writing and photography to gardening.

**Are you the guy that used to edit *****Cub ***/ write RPG stuff / go to school in Scotland / fence / be VP: Welfare / run the school darkroom / work on Felix?

Yeah, that’s me.

**How long have you been blogging?


I first started blogging with a Livejournal back in late 2001, in the aftermath of my Dad’s death. I started One Man & His Blog in March 2003 because I wanted to try something different from the “group of friends chatting” feel of my Livejournal. I started on Blogger and then moved to Movable Type a few months later. If I was starting again, I’d probably go with Typepad, but for now, MT suits me just fine.**


Why One Man + His Blog?

It’s a rather lame pun on an old British TV show called One Man & His Dog, which was essentially televised sheepdog trials.

**But uses the name!


may well use the name and, last time I checked, there were five different blogs using the name “One Man & His Blog” or some variation thereof. As far as I can establish I was the first blogger using it be a good few months, so I have no intention of giving it up.

Well, actually, I do often toy with changing the name of the blog, but I’ve never got around to it.

**Is this blog connected to Estates Gazette?


Only inasmuch as I work for the magazine. This is my personal blog though, and all the opinions here are expressly my own and should not be construed as being those of my employer or colleagues, or my wife, family or friends. They’re mine. All mine. My precious.

**So, who’s the blog aimed at?


Honestly? Me. I spend my working life writing for a known audience. I write this stuff because I want to, and anyone who reads and likes it is a bonus. The mag I work for shifts in the region of 28,000 copies a week, so I have no insecurities about reader numbers to prop up. If five people a week get pleasure from this blog, so much the better.

**C’mon, how many people really read this blog?


More than five. Quite a lot more, in fact.

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
