Blog Housewarming

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

If you’re reading this, the transfer worked. The vitual removal men have drunk their last cup of digital tea and have headed for home. One Man & His Blog is now happily hosted on Dreamhost. I’ve been using them for my WoW guild‘s various community bits and bobs for a while now, and am mighty impressed with their service.

I’ve taken the opportunity to stick yet another new design on the blog, one that leave enough space for large pics to be posted from Flickr. I’d missed that in the last iteration of this blog and am really glad to have it back. I have a suspicion that I won’t be truly happy with my design until I pay someone to do a custom one for me, though.

The new version of Movable Type supports something called FastCGI, and I’m now running the blog under that. And my, does the web interface fly. You should see a real speed increase when leaving comments.

Anyway, that’s enough blog geekiness for the time being. Back to the normal waffle of marginal interest to anyone bar myself.

Bloggingfastcgiflickrhostingmovable typephotossix apart

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a digital journalism lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, a journalist for 30 and teaches audience strategy and engagement at City St George’s, London.
