movable type

The Ghost of future publishing systems Paid Members Public
Or why am I writing about a Christmas present in late January?

Curbed kicks Movable Type to the kerb Paid Members Public
Lockhart Steele []: > Saturday afternoon, I wrote a blog post! For anyone who’s checked this space in the past six months, you know that’s a surprising development. But Saturday marked the final day that Curbed would be published on Movable Type,

One last word on Movable Type (and Open Source) Paid Members Public
Anil Dash, 2007 []: > As of today, and forever forward, Movable Type is open source. Daiji Hirata, 2013 [] > Starting with Movable Type 6, registration for

Vale, Movable Type: a big move for this blog Paid Members Public
Moving from Movable Type to WordPress
Let's hear it for old software Paid Members Public
Jason Snell []: > So does it matter that I use Movable Type on this site? Probably not, since the entire point of the site is the content on the pages, not how it was made. It strikes me, though, that the analogy of
31-3.6 Time, money and desk space Paid Members Public
[] I started this daft writing project with ideas of fighting complacency. It’s too easy to slip into habits in your blogging, to just keep doing what you did before, without any serious attempt to keep pushing yourself forwards.
Another Movable Type upgrade, for the final time? Paid Members Public
I’ve just done what I suspect will be the last major upgrade to the Movable Type system [] I use to run this blog. While MT itself seems to march along merrily, it’s clearly targeting large commercial users (I paid
Responsive Movable Type Paid Members Public
I seem to have spent much of the last three years on the verge of migrating this blog off Movable Type to another blog platform. Just as I’m about to do it, the new, Japanese incarnation of Six Apart pulls something out of the hat to make the gain