Happy Blogday to Me

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

This blog is exactly four years old today.

How things have changed since those early, tentative steps on Blogger (which followed an earlier blog-which-I-didn’t-realise-was-a-blog on Livejournal). Now, and for the past nine months, blogging has been at the centre of my working life, as I work to promote blogging right across my employer’s portfolio of titles. More and more of my friends are blogging, and it’s becoming a far more central part of the way I take in news and communicate with friends, family and working colleagues.

I wonder what it’ll look like in March 2011, when it hits 8 years old?


Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
