Reasons For My Silence #1: Calling a Plug a Plug

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth


Blogging’s been a bit erratic around here of late for a number of reasons. High amongst those is that a lot of what I want to blog about is my job. Now, there’s no inherent problem with that — my employers are pretty good about that sort of thing — but I am concerned that if I do blog a little too much about what’s going on here, it’ll look too much like, well, plugging. And too much plugging is, frankly, boring.

And yes, I do know that goes against the transparency ethos that lurks behind so much blogging. Blogging about the job is not just allowed, it’s encouraged. It’s joining in the conversation. It’s the naked conversation.
So, I’m going to bite the bullet, gird my loins and deploy every hoary cliché I can find, and blog a little more about what’s going on here are RBI blog central. Not exclusively, mind, but enough that hopefully it opens my blog-gates once more.

And I’ll clearly mark anything that’s a plug for one of our blogs, so you can just skip it if you want.

How does that sound?


Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
