A Day in the Life of a News Story

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Office desks

Alison Gow has posted a great [lifecycle of a news story](http://headlinesanddedlines.blogspot.com/2008/09/lifecycle-of-news-story.html) over on her blog, [Headlines & Deadlines](http://headlinesanddedlines.blogspot.com/). In particular, I just love the way she’s split the process into the Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 ways of doing things. It’s an astute decision. Most titles went online in some form years ago, and it’s getting people’s heads around the idea that the web evolves and the processes needed to support it need to change to that’s so tricky right now.Alison’s post is essential reading for any journalist working on the web right now.

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Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
