I typed in a link from [an article in yesterday’s ](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/property/interiorsandshopping/5206815/Interiors-bargain-hunter.html)[Daily Telegraph](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/property/interiorsandshopping/5206815/Interiors-bargain-hunter.html) that my wife showed me. The above the result.
Interesting to see that the national papers in the UK still have the power to bring down the odd website, even from the product pages of the property section…
(The link was to a company called [Vivid Green](http://www.vividgreen.co.uk/), who make bespoke outdoor offices. I envy [Piers](http://feedneed.typepad.com/) his Norfolk social media shed, and aspire to my own once Lorna & I find our new home…)