national newspapers

Quartz obsesses over Victorian newspapers Paid Members Public
Quartz‘s daily Obsessions e-mail is a rather wonderful thing, in its randomness. Some days, the e-mail gets deleted unread, because I have neither the time nor the inclination to read the subject on offer, and some days I devour it. The fact that’s it’s a deep dive

Newspapers are becoming magazines, and the New York Times is leading the way Paid Members Public
The New York Times has redesigned the opening spread of the print edition to make it more of a digest of everything the outlet is doing across all media. So, yes, that include capturing the best of its journalists’ tweetstorms on there. Laura Hazard Owen interviewed Jake Siverstein [http://www.

Another sign of the newspaper end times Paid Members Public
Cats and dogs lying down together [] … > The Daily Mirror’s parent company is back in talks with Richard Desmond in a potential deal to take a stake in Express Newspapers, the owner of the Express and

The Sun runs on WordPress Paid Members Public
Things I didn’t know []: > News UK moved to VIP last summer, becoming the fastest growing newspaper site in the UK, with well over 20 million monthly unique visitors, and tens of millions of page views

The end of the printed Independent: the shock we all knew was coming Paid Members Public
For years, those of us who have been thinking deeply about the digital translation have been asking the same question: > What happens when one of our national newspapers closes – or goes online only? Anyone who didn’t know that day was coming has either been sticking their head in

Malcolm Coles on predictability and cat GIFs Paid Members Public
Stealing the punchline from Peter Yeung’s interview with Malcolm Coles [] of The Telegraph: > There’s no way I’d have predicted the end of 2015 at the beginning of the year, so I’ve no bloody idea what’s going

Welcome to a mobile-only world for journalism Paid Members Public
Catalina Albeanu reporting on the National Readership Survey results [] : > Some 56.9 per cent of Independent readers access the title only from their smartphones or tablets, followed by 53.2 per cent at the Daily Mirror, 51.5 per cent
Commenting life behind the paywall Paid Members Public
Douglas Boulton [], one of this academic year’s crop of Interactive Journalism students at City, has just finished a couple of weeks as Ben Whitelaw’s personal coffee tabledoing shifts on The Times‘s community desk [] , and he’