
Face it: cats have always had a place in news Paid Members Public
Why BuzzFeed’s Exploding Watermelon Won’t Destroy Journalism [] Next time you hear a journalist criticise an online-only outlet for its cat gifs, bear in mind that the New York Times got there first: > The paper documents a Timesian

Malcolm Coles on predictability and cat GIFs Paid Members Public
Stealing the punchline from Peter Yeung’s interview with Malcolm Coles [] of The Telegraph: > There’s no way I’d have predicted the end of 2015 at the beginning of the year, so I’ve no bloody idea what’s going

What She Left - an old friend makes a thriller from a tweet Paid Members Public
Very long term readers of this blog will be familiar with the name Tim Relf. Mr Relf is a journalist on that fine organ Farmers Weekly, and the point blogger on Field Day [], a rural life blog referred to on here more than
The future of online marketing Paid Members Public
It’s vital, especially in my current situation, that I stay on top of current trends in all aspects of online content, marketing included. After all, content marketing is something that even traditional journalists have to get to grips with. It’s therefore rather worrying when an e-mail arrives from
What This Week Has Felt Like Paid Members Public
And with that, I wish you all a very good weekend. I’m off to get drunk in Brighton.
Five Things Learnt In Three Days Paid Members Public
It’s frankly embarrassing when you work all of a three day week, yet are knackered at the end of it. Yet, that’s how I feel as the end of my truncated week in Sutton’s infamous brown towers drawn to its close. Stuff that’s been foremost in
Blogging A Magazine Article Before Print Publications Paid Members Public
[] Now, this [blog post by Tim Relf]( makes me happy. You see, as well as being one of our bloggers, he’s one of our journalists.