death of print

The FT's struggle are a harbinger of print's assassin: advertisers Paid Members Public
The Financial Times Discovers That a Paywall Is Not a Panacea [] The Financial Times is going through some financial hard times, and it’s down to print advertising, not the (successful) paywall. Matthew Ingram: > Lamont said in his memo to FT employees

Easy question of the week: can online journalism hold politics to account? Paid Members Public
Roy Greenslade [] : > So, in conclusion, ponder this question: in a world without newsprint, will journalists be able to carry out their central mission to prevent government, big business and the various institutions from doing as they like? Yes. Next

The end of the printed Independent: the shock we all knew was coming Paid Members Public
For years, those of us who have been thinking deeply about the digital translation have been asking the same question: > What happens when one of our national newspapers closes – or goes online only? Anyone who didn’t know that day was coming has either been sticking their head in
Magazines are going to hurt in 2016 Paid Members Public
It’s gonna be a tough year for magazines, says a McKinsey report [] Magazine’s failure to build complementary digital products is hurting them badly… > In fact, according to a new report from global consulting firm McKinsey, every category of media—from cinema to

Un-Loaded Paid Members Public
Private Frazer laments the troubled later life of Loaded [], rather than its recent demise: > Because the tawdry and constipated magazine that has just closed bears no relation (other than the title) to the original Loaded. Love it or loathe it, the
The decline and fall of the dictionary Paid Members Public
The Next Web [] : > […] another well-known brand in the print-based publishing sphere is unfurling the white flag and giving in to the digital revolution, with Macmillan Dictionaries ceasing print to go online only. While we were sorting books to go on the