A very long time ago – in the 1980s in fact – I got my start in journalism working on the Imperial College student newspaper* Felix*, before going on to edit the Queen Mary student rag, Cub. It’s been a long journey since then, but I learnt a hell of a lot from those days, while having an absolute blast.
Back then, keeping track of the student media scene was basically impossible, but now, with most student rags online, you can see what the wannabe journalists of the future are up to. And that seems to be the idea behind [Ones to Watch](http://onestowatch.wordpress.com/):
It’s a neat idea for a blog – linking to the best of the student journalism out there. A classic aggregation model, that takes something disparate and boils it down to something useful for a wider audience.
The site launched today, with a mix of links to news, features and jobs. If I were to raise any criticism at all, it’s that it’s all a bit serious at the moment. Student journalism can be scurrilous, swashbuckling and sometimes downright outrageous, and I’d love to see that reflected, too.
But it’s in my feed reader, and I’ll be reading with interest.