Blogs: The new source of poster quotes
I noticed this (huge) advert for [Windows Phone 7]( "Windows Phone 7") on my way through [London Bridge](,-0.0877777777778&spn=0.01,0.01&q=51.5080555556,-0.0877777777778 (London%20Bridge)&t=h "London Bridge") this morning. Now, I must have seen it over a dozen times in the last few weeks, but it was only today that what it actually said registered with me.
There was the normal quote from a publication extolling the virtues of the new product – but this was no national newspaper or technology magazine.
[This was a blog.](
A quote. On a huge advert. In one of the mainline commuter stations. In one of the biggest cities in the world.
That feels like another tipping point.
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