After the London riots: some links

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Burned out car

*A burned-out car not far from my Lewisham flat, from a photo set by Tom Royal. *

A rough night in London, as looters smashed up and burnt high streets all over the capital.

Morning has dawned, with the #riotcleanup hashtag, promoted early on by Dan Thompson, helping people co-ordinate themselves to clean up the damage of the night before. Proof, if you want it, that social media is inherently neutral, and that people can use it for good or ill.

Some links:

Clapham looks shut this morning:

[via @greencourier]

More as I find them.

Update: 10.10am

Eager to get going #clapham #riotcleanup #londonriots on Twitpic

People waiting to join #riotcleanup in Clapham, via Simon Parsons

Update: 10.20am

Update: 10.45am

The Great Harry pub in Woolwich (via @darryl1974)

The Great Harry pub, Woolwich  on Twitpic

Feels like a miracle that no-one’s been killed in the riots yet, especially when you see this:

Update: 12:01pm

There’s been a definite shift away from recording the damage and arranging positive action, into blame-storming and political posturing, which I’m less interested in chronicling.

Here’s a last link for now, channeling the positive vibe of this morning.


Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
