Following Up: Paywalls and Disruption

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Adur Sunset

My post on paywalls yesterday garnered a good amount of interest. Kevin Anderson suggests that journalists need to be a little more self-critical about the value of their own work:

It’s worth interrogating the first part of that and being pretty ruthless and honest with ourselves as journalists about what value we are creating. There is a lot of redundant content out there right now, and as I said over and over in 2011, content is abundant; attention is scarce.

He also reinforces the value of social media as part of the content mix.

Don Brown, on the other hand, choses to focus on the fact that we’re on an unknown point on the journey through change, based on my disruption post:

We are currently at a point somewhere in the digital revolution. We know what’s changed, we can see other things that will change, we expect other consequences to flow; but we simply cannot know where this process will end up, nor when history will say that it has ‘finished’. The revolution so far has disrupted the music business, the insurance business, the news business, books, TV, retail and will work right through everything including the individual’s relationship with the state, but we can only guess at the outline of what ultimately will be played out.

change managementdisruptionJournalismpaywallsSocial Media

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
