OM&HB Top 5 Posts: Feb 2012

Here are the top five posts by traffic on One Man & His Blog in February:
1: news:rewired – Liz Heron and her hashtag science
Not at all surprised by this one coming in top. Liz gave a superb and inspiring talk, with plenty of practical tips you could take away and implant in the way you worked straight away. If only all keynotes were this useful.
2: news:rewired – Making money from content
Well, blow me down. The media are interested in how to make money from their content? You flabbergast me. 😉
3: 5 thoughts about Social Media Week London
I’m pleased this one came so high. It provoked two interesting responses from Alan Patrick and Antony Mayfield, two gentlemen whose thinking I respect deeply, and triggered numerous conversations. Blog posts as social objects. 🙂
4: Redundancy: one month on
I was surprised to see this one so high. Who knew that so many people cared about the travails of my working life? Or, perhaps, they’re just interested in some honest blogging about what redundancy is like. Well, good news: Redundancy; two months on is on its way later today.
5: news:rewired – social media optimisation
Social media optimisation is the new search engine optimisation – and may prove to be more significant in the long-term. The fact this post was so well read – and shared – suggests that the media business is finally starting to get its collective head around this fact.
Just to give you an idea of the spread, the top post got around double the traffic of the fifth placed post. Respect the power of Liz Heron. 😉
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