TEDxBrighton: new site, new theme

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth
[![the new TEDxBrighton site ](https://i1.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2012/06/TEDxBrighton-site-thumb-520x427-2534.png?resize=520%2C427)](https://i1.wp.com/www.onemanandhisblog.com/content/images/2012/06/TEDxBrighton-site.png)
One of the most satisfying aspects of my new, freelance working life is that I can give time to unpaid projects that interest me. One of these is [TEDxBrighton](http://tedxbrighton.com/), the second edition of the [independently-organised TED event](http://www.ted.com/tedx/events/6052), which is now being organised by a completely different team to last year’s.
The conference’s brand new site, pulled together by [Digby Killick](http://digbykillick.co.uk), the [Content & Motion team](http://www.contentandmotion.co.uk/) and [Pragmatic](http://www.pragmatic-web.co.uk/), has just gone live. You’ll be seeing a lot from me on the [conference blog](http://tedxbrighton.com/hello/) because the talented [Louise Winters](http://pinkyandnobrain.wordpress.com/) and I are the [official storytellers](http://tedxbrighton.com/team/) for the conference. You can grab the [RSS feed](http://tedxbrighton.com/feed/), or subscribe by e-mail. 

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
