Sigfox - building a new network for the internet of things: cheap

Adam Tinworth
Adam Tinworth

Ludovic le Moan

So we need a separate network for the internet of things? Ludovic le Moan, ceo of Sigfox, thinks so. Most internet of things products use existing networks. Around us their are many object, and most of them are deaf and dumb.

There are two categories of wireless now: short range (WiFi or Bluetooth) or long range (telcos/satellite). Both are energy hungry. The long range stuff is expensive. So, how do you build a low cost, low energy long range network? Sigfox claims to have come up with something that can be connected for less than $1 per year. And the price of the chipset to do it? <$1.

He demos a fire alarm which sends a message to Twitter when it goes off:

FIRE! #lewebisonfire #dontpanic
— Sigfox Lab (@sigfoxlab) December 6, 2012

He suggests that they could cover the globe for €200m Euros.

This is a very cool idea – if it works as advertised. Worth watching.

internet of thingsnetworkssigfox

Adam Tinworth Twitter

Adam is a lecturer, trainer and writer. He's been a blogger for over 20 years, and a journalist for more than 30. He lectures on audience strategy and engagement at City, University of London.
